Travel tips for tourists

Travel tips for tourists

Bainskloof Pass

My Internet Service Provider – Mweb, and ADSL Provider – Telkom, let me down badly. I have been without access to the Internet for longer than I think is fair or reasonable. Nine days.
I am back up for now and will do a quick post linking you to some travel tips. There are 20 tips for visitors to Cape Town, 20 health and safety tips with regard to a stay in South Africa, 20 money saving tips and 20 travel packing tips.
For the tourist tips follow this link – Travel tips
I hope my service providers don’t drop me again so I can complete the last two posts on the Southern African camping trip I did.

Go to – My Holidays and Trips – at the top of this page to read about other places we have visited. Or just click on – this link.

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