In South Africa we have a community policing forum. Local residents meet with their police and discuss what the police have been up to and anything residents feel the police should be aware of or monitor.
We get together once a month and do what we call a crime walk. It’s a walking tour of an area. Locals managed to get prostitutes to leave the streets by merely hanging about and making it difficult for the girls to ply their trade. A potential customer is not likely to want to pick up a girl if a group of grannies in fluorescent yellow bibs are chatting to her endlessly.
The yellow bib brigade used passive techniques with great success. Good on them!
We were all set to visit our new urban park and lo … it is a “lock down” area until after Soccer World Cup. How disappointing! Clearly access in and around Green Point is now subject to FIFA regulations. In the picture are the media tents that have gone up on the common. At least some people get to use the common, just not those of us who live here.
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