Makarapa |
It’s like Soccer World cup all over again here in Cape Town. The roads are closing and fans are flocking into our part of the world. If we can pull off Soccer World Cup, well one more game is a doddle. An on-line poll done by a local newspaper shows that South Africans are feeling optimistic. Sixty-six percent of us think we will beat the Americans. Let’s hope the makarapas and the rest of the fan gear is as stunning as it was for Soccer World Cup.
A makarapa for the ignorant, is a hard hat that is carved with great care to create relief designs on the hat. The colour of the hard hat and optional painted images allow fans to display their club colours. And of course a hard hat is handy if fans become a bit boisterous. The de rigeur accompaniment is a pair of bright plastic oversize glasses. Tres soccer chic!
And what would a game of soccer here be without the obligatory vuvuzela. Bring them on!