South Africa has 29 Blue Flag beaches. The two closest to Green Point are Camps Bay Beach and Clifton’s 4th Beach. Clifton has a series of coves which are called 1st Beach, 2nd Beach, 3rd Beach and 4th Beach. You walk down a lot of stairs to get to those coves so make sure you don’t pack too big a bag. Coming back up all those stairs may prove a challenge. Our nude beach is a bit further along towards Llandudno and is called Sandy Bay. You can see the wrecks of the Antipolis and the Romelia out that way. Alcohol is not permitted on our beaches.
In the picture is a Biltong Bar. Biltong is a local delicacy. It is a cured, dried meat. I am going to admit that as a vegetarian of 30 years now, the only time I ever wish I ate meat is when there is biltong around. I am immune to the smell of a roast or a BBQ but biltong still smells good to me. Locals take their biltong very seriously. It comes in game or regular meats and it can be wetter or drier. The spices vary considerably and the length the meat has aged all affect the flavour and thus individual preference.